Wednesday, August 29, 2007
on dancing
me: wads the big deal about dancers?
cl: dun u think tt when they dance, their body is in harmony with the music, and is at its most graceful position?
me: even chinese new year songs oso meh?
cl: ... ...
cl: why u like to ask irritating qns like these.
this thing happens YEARS ago. i think he wants me to think modern dance, instead of auntie dances.
i think my tutorials are not killing me; they are merely suffocating only.
i hate maggie mee:(
Monday, August 27, 2007
wad i just realise about myself
only if my short term memory allows and only if they do me enough harm. ppl like eva for example. she bullied and pick on my mistakes from the first day i work for three straight months. not that she din try to be nice to me, she was sth really nice, but she like to believe rumors of me saying things behind her back which i never even heard of myself. and she will just unleash her fury on me when i am as clueless as i can be on wad happened. den she will go to the drain and puff her heart out. smoking really makes her look damn old. i've sent her pics to all my close frens and let them laugh at her alr. i felt much better now.
2) i am very shallow.
for one thing, altho i really hate to admit it, i detest ugly ppl! how how. shit, i am very very ashamed of myself. i rmb there are times guys used to tell me i am very ugly, and i whacked and tortured them till they begged me to stop. i will yell, "ugly den is not human being is it! sickening!!!" den i will lock myself in my room for three days singing sad songs to myself and scrutinise evry flaw on my face and slash my wrists (just kidding). but now, i really really loathe talking/interacting with ugly guys. i haven met any ugly girls yet, but guys! actually of cos they are not ugly, ugly's too strong a word. they are unkempt. dirty. wanling will surely say i am being very bad here, but in the midst of her non-stop giggling, i think she agrees with me.
3) i am materialistic.
i bought an average of one new top per week, even tho i am very very very broke. i jus crushed wang's hp lcd screen and the repairs is like 50 bucks. i bought a new sports jacket to go lectures with me. and now i am fantasizing about a white leather bag. not to mention i have many pairs of shoes in my closet but i am too lazy to dig them out and bring them for a walk. i owe my mom two allowances in advance.(not tt i din give her 100% of my salary)
4) i have been very bad to my wang.
i was impatient; i told him he is late as long as he reach the destination after me, despite the fact that i may be 30 mins early. i am unreasonable; i kept "humph"-ing him if he were to say sth wrong for like ten tousand yrs. i am violent; i will poke him and push his head around.
i think its very brave of me to confess my sins. i shall strive to be a better person.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
o week

and this. very hard to keep balanced u noe!
collage of ppl who went to arts camp. i can sport a lot ppl i noe le!

while doing our pirate ship. cant forget the skit he made up man.
thanks ah Qz for first saying my face is in the prime location, before zooming in to tell me how dark i was! looking at the green chopsticks, orange spoon and white bowl, we are at the bar chor mee place! everyone forced to go by me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as the heading says, pls heed good advice.
wad we are doing on flag day. lazy. *zhijun looks cute here!*
met katherine (finally) yesterday and we talked very briefly. was actually wishing that we have more time to talk cos very long never see her liao. cant seem to bump into winnie tho. so i think she shud lurk around more in central lib or the arts canteen. but i only saw katherine after i met up with jing xian, and she happen to have a fren from sports camp too! the three of us have quite some fun talking until they decide to do some hw online. but luckily i arranged to meet diana, den we chiong to forum and discuss our timetable, see if we can meet between lectures or so.
so far i've only eaten the western food from arts canteen, and its sub-standard. jingxian said i shud go to engin canteen and see wad food really meant. den i went dinner with kangfei QZ and yw. *some parts censored due to ppl rights*
after wards i met wang to go home and thats when all the bad things happen. couldnt care to elaborate.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
mr arts and mr nus!
this is how he look like on the hey! gorgoues website:

he sang a song and played the guitar at the same time for the performance. i can only get two words out of the ten words he sang tho.
i din went for arts bash where he was crowned mr arts. cos it was at DXO. so anw! congrats!!!
*girls who tot he is cute can scroll down my page. got other pics taken as an og.*
ade and zhijun were saying how *ahem* cui the soc and the arts bash contestants were. so naughty, they are just ordinary, not everyone bless ma.
lisan missed the whole hey gorgeous thing, cos no one told her:(
i saw desmond koh and dawn yeo? yang? up close. the guy is super power at chinese sia. den the girl is very very pretty but i tot i spy with my little eye, two black spots on her cheek. critically scrutinising is wad the public eye is good at.
and i think shu ning is the female lead of alywin's show. so cute.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
happy 18th!
of course the paper must be pink. DUH(bimbo!! i am). all the items are pasted on with trusty uhu glue and as an additional precaution, i've wrapped book cover plastic over the whole thing so the items wun go missing, and the card is protected from drool shud my beloved hug this card to sleep.
we went to watch jay chou's secret. he told me his bunk mates say its very nice. he said all their girlfriends force them to watch secret with them, and he is the only guy who has to persuade his girl to go see with him. haha. i din regret going. the plot is very good and i cried.
den as planned we went to marina bay to eat yuki yaki. but the whole place is so freaking crowded cos its the fireworks festival! on one aspect i blame myself for choosing such a lousy place and on the other hand, i really felt this urge to bomb singapore.(dunno if i will get arrested for this) WADS WITH THESE STUPID PEOPLE? how come they like to do things that flows with the crowd?
things like national day, chingay, countdown parties. waste money and stupid. i think countdown parties happen at home or the chalet, not zouk. ZOUK IS STUPID. i may be very subjective here, but call me agoraphobic if u like, since i suspect i may be one. crowds are jus not my thing. it annoys me, and drives me up the wall. its like u are standing very close to many highly undesirable ppl, smelling their "ba-wu", and still have to pretend u are having fun being elbowed in the ribs and high heels jamming in ur toes, as the case in zouk portrays.
plus fireworks mean ur money are exploding in the sky ok. see, the green one is the gst we paid when we eat swenson's, the red ones ur father's summon fine, the blue ones ur shampoo tax. i agree they are spectacular and pretty, but not so that i am willing to pay additional 2% gst to see ok!(i'm a typical singaporean wad)
back to my story, i din get to eat yuki yaki. as my sports ppl shud noe, i get pissed if i am hungry. tt time when we went orchard the gang took very long to decide where to eat and i repeat the phrase "i am hungry" at the rate of ten times per minute. so we travelled to a more modest place- parkway, to eat ajisen instead. at least my lamian taste good. slurp.
and my wang din buy anything for me cos he tot i wun buy things for him! how can like tt!! actually is we sort of made a pact not to get anything beforehand but still, wad happened to good old flowers? tho i think they are useless cos they rot in three days. so just get me a ty beanie! hai.
we din take any pictures, cos i felt ugly that day. it ended well tho, but my claustrophobia still exist. i hate crowds!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
a swayed day!
random loser: ni jiao she me ming zi? (whats ur name?) *i think he is very rude here, not even a hi. at first i seriously tot he was asking for the time*
me: wo mei you bi yao gen ni jiang.
RL: zhuo peng you.
me: bu yao.
and he scurried away. after tt i realise my heart is hammering so fast like heart attack! very afraid. these things always happen when wang is not here den when i tell him he'll thinks i am cooking up stories to get attention again. after some thought and recollection, i found out that the guy is the same person who harrass hanbing quite a long time ago at the same library! i rmb her saying he cant talk properly and is like quite dirty looking.
winnie is so right about me being a "loser and ah beng" magnet.
my bro, being very sympathetic, said"jie, now u noe wad kind of guys u attract, heh heh."
heh ur head, i say. but wang used to tell me only guys of that callibre do such things to random ppl on the streets, so i am more or less comforted.
super detest ppl who emit "desperate" aura sia.
ps:// i look like a village girl! pauline cut too short liao.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
o week updates

taken by yanwei suggested out of the blue. i try to look professional here but end up looking like idiot! den bennett still say i look like i sell laptop one. den the gang super sabo all wear sports attire only i climb mountains in those tight black pumps!

before flag day! wore a bright pink shirt that alot of ppl said was very nice. sure looks agreeable here. with zhijun.
a guilty confession we have to make! we din really do flag, we were just playing the huang fei hong game. evidence is all here! but really very funny and we played with the freshies too!

ade's favourite. wad the hell i cannot do la! very lousy at this. but that girl still insist we take alot of such pics!
at sentosa beach games. as u can see from here the girls in arts camp are really very very pretty. (not including me of cos, dun worry)
give me a pa! give me a la! give me a wan! give me a beach! where i can swim, where i can tan! we love palawan, palawan beach games!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
for asian studies: chinese lang VS southeastasia studies
humanities: eng lang VS philosophy
social sciences: geog VS sociology
major: econs (1 exposure + 14 more)
GEM: either sociology or philosophy
and one more sickening thing from science (most prob phy)
singapore studies: singapore society SSA1201
breadth: maths
intro to engineering
and i need seven more modules to get a degree. i am sick just looking at this. i got no idea how i'll get honours, and second upper at that.
back to more light hearted things, i am caught between skating, rock climbing, lifegaurd, aerobics and wushu. these are the sporty ccas i wan to join and how can i forget, i wan to join calligraphy too! its a must cos i really miss the days when i can write and tell myself how pretty my words looked:)
and i need several new tops and a new pair of specs to complete my uni wardrobe. and a sleek laptop as arm candy, since wang is weekend arm candy. and this two days of welcome talks made me realise that guys are really bad lecture mates. they just walk off without waiting and hung out with buddies most of the time. they ignore the girls unless they are interested in one of the girls. typical. (roll eyes)
and the travelling to and fro is making me very lethargic, and therefore ina bad mood. i feel like killing someone everyday. this is bad. save me.