Sunday, January 27, 2008
flea market and random thingys
wasnt a great success for me, altho i cleared half te amt of clothes i brought. Bz sucked in all the beginner luck and earn a whopping 70 bucks!!!! its around 55 bucks minus all the rental and registration fees. i look super swayed and miserable in comparison. i tried my best to smile when she exclaimed excitedly after she break even,"lets do it again=D!!!" but dun worry i love her all the same. if she wasnt always late!! and a suggestion to wanling and san, u guys can go thr to showcase ur stuff too!! and meanwhile reach out to more ppl!! cos gt this pair of girls who own an online shop and i see their business are quite good. special thanks to wang, for being the logistics one-man team ha ha. and for buying wang wang milk for me!!
*no pictures tho cos we look sweaty and bored and my nice necklace broke. i dunno how.*
and i am very so not happy cos of three big things:
1) i have no money. stupid world i live in. inflation sucked my blood dry.
2) i cant find any nice cny clothes!! this is super frustrating. i went to the expo sale and tm today but i dunno if its only me or the whole commercialised and standardised world but i am unable to find sth i like. den wang keep shoving me to the fitting room and making me try some corporate clothes tt muo nu you xi wore in the korean show. tt is so not my style even tho he kp giving me thumbs up.
3) i have super duper ugly feet. long and skinny. worse, my toes are damn long. so the toe cleavage keep showing in pumps. and i cant wear strappy slip-ons cos too skinny den will exceed and come out of the front of the shoe!! closed shoes are requested at size 39 only to find it too long and deformed. clara and tt woman has been telling me this since i was 16 and now i found out its totally true and i cant stop obsessing about it. how i wish i was a size 36.
PS: mondo's sizes are damn small. made me almost crazy enough to request size 40.
plus plus! geyao will be having a public performance and i dunno if i shud join!! i cant really sing and i think i will be praying to get off the stage by chorus 1. and knowing myself i WILL do sth embarrassing. the last time i have been on stage is primary 6 chinese story telling competition lei. DIE.
all these random thoughts are enough to bust my brain.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
my first week in school(:
a) detective conan anime series. 400 episodes!!!!
b) a new possible jo offer as a leader in children camps. includes rock climbing etc!!!
c) manga manga manga manga manga
yest i was walking to bedok mrt to go school. den i was stopped by an uncle. i tot: maybe he needs directions. i plugged off my earphones. i said: wad? he said: i saw a young malay couple making love at the void deck. i am stunned. i said: why nv call police? he said: call already, but they really brave sia..... and he got the nerve to describe the process he witnessed to me. i said: i going to school no time listen to you. he said: which school? i said: u not my father i tell u for wad? i walked away.
why am i such a loser-uncle-ah beng-nerd magnet? sob.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
dinner with lao gong
and this is how she repay me. so blur sob. i had once again fallen in love with cheese donuts again:)
not to mention another one of my new found love - sweaters! with stripes like these. only i wan mine with a V neck. sweaters hooray!!!
in an attempt to make this new year a better,more fulfilling one, i will try to follow these resolutions, altho the success rate may be near zero.
1) do not spend money on bags and magazines.
Justification: magazines instill corrupted values and i have bags tt last another year.
2) eat less junk food and more fruits and vegetables.
justification: wanling say they are good for the skin.
3) be confident and proud of everything u do. justification: hanbing says it boost self esteem.
4) work very very hard and have active involvemnt in CCAs. justification: so i will have a beautiful uni record, and grab the last chance to ensure lovely memories of school life tt i have to bring to my hrave:)
5) do not forget the ppl who are impt to u. namely, frens, families and the donut seller.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
to hell and beyond
me and mine! mine look pretty old tho.
den we went to...... (drums roll)
the stupid things ppl do when they feel like they are touring-.-
wang said his mom might like this place alot cos there's alot of buddha figures around.
eh wang wad are u doing to the poor lamb!!! when i say take pic with it i mean squat next to it not... make it pregnant. lol
he said he is a dragon baby.
deng deng deng deng!!!! we are gg to hell, and i am very nervous beneath the cool exterior.
the chinese are suer capable at making ppl feel guuilty for all the sins they did.
welcome to hell! we were welcomed by niu tou ma mian.
the golden bridge for ppl who do good, the silver bridge for those whose good deeds outweigh their bad. they all head to paradise.
guilty ppl who are chained and led to different courts to receive punishment tt is appropriate to their sins.
prostitutes are burnt in melting lava.
ppl who get their organs dug out. i cant rmb for wad crime they did, maybe its impiety.
grinded by stone.
thrown into a valley of knives.
or sawn into half. the worse thinsg about such punishments is that u cant die in hell, and they are repeatedli inflicted on you. so u'll be sawn again and again and burnt again.....
head chopped off for adultery.
at the end of it all, ppl will drink the meng po soup so they can forget and reincarnate.
this place has more animal figurines den the zoo sia.
the haw par villa is very very boring unless u go there really to experience chinese folklore and to take pictures like a maniac. by maniac i mean u like to see urself in pictures, and try to be enthu among boring places. and the weather is murderous tt day, i got two tones darker. we left the place in one and a half hour and its in bouna vista-.-
the zoo much more fun i promise.