took this with ms.pretty while we are travelling to sentosa. i am so dark:( will swear to take as less pics as possible during o week.

was chosen as councillor for o week. only the 3 of us girls came. after our muddy games we came over and took some pics.

pre camp is quite fun but for some reason all of us felt really lethargic despite the not-so-demanding schedule. and the girls asked me to go tanning with them at sentosa next week! i think they are either crazy or blind. i am dark enough as it is! but since i love them so much and they asked me so sincerely i shall go :p

at snow city. was to slide down the slope behind us. my group was damn crazy. in order to earn points the guys took off their shirt and cheer in the freezing cold. i think if u drool alot u will get frost bite very easily(careful wang!)

at sentosa. cant remember wad we are doing. not everyone is here tho. i am starting to love white cos of my tan. pardon me for my continuous whining, but i really am black therefore i cant help complaining.

i'm at the left with white cap and shirt. notice why i am always at the corner? and we are not trying to act cute, we are just posing with a lian hua (lotus flower) cos our group is called bai lian jiao; xiao bai, ah lian and lao jiao. guess which one i am in?

this is one very cute photo! we were all acting bimbotic. there's this cheer tt go; i'm a bimbo, i'm a bimbo, i'm a b-i-m-b-O! den the O at the last part requires u to look up and act stupid. lol and we are all acting stupid here.

last day of camp when we paint our own banners etc and i wrote a very nice ah lain in calligraphy on our work! yay!!

1st day of sports camp. pool games. me and bz are at the bottom right looking completely smitten with each other. we all wore white in unison cos we were told to, no surprise there.

pajama party at the last night of sports camp. my ogl weide lent me his fren's pj so i wun look so out cast. but i look very stupid in the oversized dress. den we went clubbing this way and the rest went to eat supper looking like tt but thank goodness i chose the right choice and went to bed instead.

at dirt biking place.

amazing race! we went to alot of checkpoints to take pics with certain buildings and played some games invented by the crazy project grp. we have to find a couple french-kissing and take a picture of them before we can cont our journey! tts extremely ridiculous la and the station ic still said that the previous grp before us had a guy and girl frenched each other anyway! wa the cheap things ppl will do to win a game! my fave stop was at the you tiao stop! we actually have 15 mins to sit down and enjoy the food yay! i ordered a beancurd and you tiao only to look up and realise i am the only one eating. oops. the rest jus sat there panting or looking sleepy while watching me eat.

before the exciting night
sports camp rock in a way arts camp dun, but i still like my arts ppl more:)
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