den wang said he wans to look at how the reputable nus' library looked like. so i brought him there. but while walking i saw at the corner of my eye someone waving frantically to me. turns out to be adeline with the gang. Qz keep beckoning at me to go in and say hi and when they saw me and wang, Qz told him he is very famous ha ha. poor wang looked so confused. ade and zj is more sympathetic. they were saying tt i am very pai seh. truth is i was blushing quite furiously. alywin just sat there and keep saying the english version of 'wang'.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
day at nus
den wang said he wans to look at how the reputable nus' library looked like. so i brought him there. but while walking i saw at the corner of my eye someone waving frantically to me. turns out to be adeline with the gang. Qz keep beckoning at me to go in and say hi and when they saw me and wang, Qz told him he is very famous ha ha. poor wang looked so confused. ade and zj is more sympathetic. they were saying tt i am very pai seh. truth is i was blushing quite furiously. alywin just sat there and keep saying the english version of 'wang'.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
interesting piece of news
if its me i make sure his down there cut off as well!
imagine he kissed the mistress den kiss the wife! EEE! hope she spit on him.
i am very busy. going crazy soon.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
new crave

OH MY GOD! super yummy! think ppl looking at this near midnight sure rush out to buy one dozen only to find all shops are closed! i can eat half a dozen now!
ooo mommy get me 12 of those! i dun wan birthday cakes anymore, just stick a large candle in the middle of a big plate and slot all my colurful donuts thru it!
i will so open my own shop if i had the chance. and pack those round cute doughs in pink boxes and sample each batch before selling! for a moment there, i almost convinced myself that getting fat from eating donuts are worth it:)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
call 1(dialogue in chinese):
me: hello?
cheena: good morning xiao jie we are from the Xiamen blah blah company and we like to ask u some qns for a survey, is that ok? we only need fifteen mins of your time is that ok? its just a harmless survey and it wun take too much of your time.
*she blabbers non-stop!*
me: ok lor.
cheena: may i noe if..... *i was in the train, and i cant hear her at all."
me: its not convenient for me to do this now. sorry.
cheena: but it wun take too much of your time we promise. just answer some qns for us is it ok?
me: reception here not good. i cant hear you.
cheena: but it wun take too much of your time we promise. just answer some qns for us is it ok?
me: i need to hang up alr.
call 2:
me: hello?
cheena2: good morning xiao jie we are from the Xiamen blah blah company and we like to ask u if you would like to join in a charity show?
me: huh!
me: i'm not interested in helping people.
cheena: *sense anger in my voice* sorry miss we are so sorry if this is a bad time to call, sorry sorry....
*i cup the phone*
i noe she is being very courteous and all, but i just cant stand china ppl. if she call again i will take drastic measures, and make them blacklist me so they wun call again.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
wad i saw in geog lecture last friday
Thursday, October 18, 2007
mysteries of life
hope she's fine, really from the bottom of my heart.
i need stress.
i need someone to pressurise me and tell me i am stupid so i will work harder, cos now i am really super unmotivated to do work altho i have tons to do. i think its time to visit some of my ntu peeps and den witness how hard they mug and realise i have to study too! wad a lousy world to live in, feeling guilty just when u are resting. the rat race has started once we attend school and its not going to end until we retire. lousy pok.
dun feel happy at all. need interactions with animals soon before i lose it.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
super emo feeling
i dunno wad is wrong with me, it felt like i was gg to leave him for very very long. i dunno wad will happen to me if he were to die in training or sth (altho he goes to army to play psp these days), i think i will kill myself. its so strange tt we quarrel so many times, yet we still love each other so strongly. suddenly i really cant bear to let him go. and there he stood, unknowing of my internal struggles, grinning at me as i touch his face. i wan things to be forever the same now, when my parents are (relatively) young and healthy, my bf with me, loving me, doting on me, my frens all supportive, and loving me as much as i do them.
i tot i was being silly, but when i reached home, i gt an email from frenster, and tt hanbing has sent me a comment. she said tt she missed me, and tt she cant find new frens she can relate to. i used to feel tt way whenever i go into a new school. i tot i was the only immature one who are so reliant on "old" frens you can trust ur life with. i am so happy when i saw tt she miss me (she said so) and go thru the same things as me! guess i was too ashamed at all the pts in time when i felt alone but tried to be independent.
i wan all my love ones to noe, i will really try my best to be there for them. and in return, they must promise me not to bring harm upon themselves, and learn to appreciate themselves for being the special individual in my life, and tt each is beautiful, in my eyes:)
i gt a feeling i will be ashamed of this emo feeling very soon, but wad the hell.
Friday, October 12, 2007
back to me
i need shopping therapy soon. hanbing, wanling or bz, who interested lei? go orchard!! cos wang hate that place and i haven been there for a year.
steamboat this sunday by wang's dad again. think wad is appropriate to wear. its so sickening being a girl. nice jeans and nice polo tee just doesnt quite cut it.
i just went to do those kind of lame survey they circulate around the internet. and my results:
You are a more active person, drawing a clear line between happiness and unhappiness. You are more quick-tempered. If you encounter things you like, you will do it without second thought. But once you encounter things that you hate, you will wish to get out of it as soon as possible. As you are a person of your own views, the friends you tend to have will be of the same pattern. But once good friends, you will understand them a lot and go all the way to help then. Friends are very dependent on you. As you are too emotional, you may make a storm out of a teacup with your friends. You must learn to do things in order and not give up easily. You can try making friends with those you don't think you can get along with, don't stick with the same category. This will make you more popular and charming.
the first nine sentences i agree with. i hell am not making friends with ah lian lookalikes and cheap clubbing-type girls.
but i am a little influenced by the princess diaries, maybe i shud behave graciously to those who are of a lower social level. oh well. *sarcasm dripping*
i have so much anger in me:(
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
i am so free this week!!!
i thought that god finally let me off, wad with econs test and philo essay over.
monday: went to wang's house eat free lunch, den shop around at tm den chiong to school. lisan saw me and wang tgt and did a double take and look at him agn. "is tt ah wang?" she asked. my wang looked very sad that all my frens call him ah wang.
tuesday: breakfast with wang agn, den to school.
wednesday: stay at home do geog report, might do agn at night when evon send me stuff.
thursday: breakfast with wang, school.
friday:freak school from nine to nine.
i am still very busy! all my philo and chinese readings not done yet. den my big bro ask me fork up 10 bucks for small bro present. I AM SO UNWILLING.
another thing to complain about!
topic: wads up with guys these days?
was waiting for the school shuttle bus after my math lecture and when it arrived, and its entrance stopped right in front of me, you'll think i will be the first to board the whoo-hoo-empty bus. but before i could even step one small itsy step, this whole load of stinking, crude-sounding cheena ppl chiong in front of me! AND THEY ARE ALL GUYS. they dun even have the courtesy to let a lady, who is standing quietly by herself looking very demure indeed, and who will not take up much space, to board. by the time i got up i am standing among these low-class ppl, who think they are on the train to reincarnation (due to the BIG rush), and trying to tolerate their noise level. they are SHOUTING at each other when they are like 30 cm apart. why do they want the whole world to noe wad they are talking about, and also how irritating their accent is? when i wan to get out of the bus, the big cheena ass in front of me refuse to budge and i have to squeeze thru a tiny hole left of the aisle to get out of this hell.
like i said, they shud travel by sewers or sth. you noe, bulid some tubes underground where they can scurry from place to place like rats, at fast frequency legs since they like to rush so much. they are stinking up our scarce resources. i really, really hate ppl with no ettiquette. they are the most kiasu ppl i ever seen. pls, singaporeans are not the most kiasu/kiasee ppl now.
i remember there was once this big shot parliament fellow said one classic sentence which i very much agree to: "china have the ugliest ppl in the world." but too bad he had to make a public apology to all those ugly ppl whose ego is deflated.
i was in kfc once and this fat cheena woman next to me said,"one china worker equates three singaporean workers." does she mean the dirt of three singaporeans can be found on one china guy? wad arrogance! i am very unhappy with that, and i can tell there is this suppressed hatred between singaporeans and cheena freaks, about to explode soon.
and i seriously think all china ppl are only after money. majority of the prostitutes here are from china la for god sakes. breaking up families and all, when they are the founders of virtues like piety and honesty. HOW IRONIC.
if i have a chance i'll spit on them.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
why i am a pig
den my mom brought this back. all hiam jio how i eat man! the crab pincers really super hot. i try to eat it cos it looks good. den the shelly thing i dun dare touch le. once bitten twice shy
the nonsense my mom brought back. so disgusting lor all red and suishy with juice oozing out. i think if all meat look like tt i will be a vegetarian. sorry my future children, you all be so scrawny cos mommy only eat veggies! but i will have nice complexion lei!!!
cheese suishy animal with siew mai. the siew mai is good. taste like those famous bao dian sell those kind. but of cos i din have any of tt shell thing.
wad i got next. the slices of beef at the bottom look damn nice but turn out to be cold eee. and the sauce is "lor chap" not terriyaki! next to it is the nice, crispy butter bread. den the abalone thing again, haha and prawn with tuna mayo, den yoghurt. yay so nice ppl reading my blog dun have hahahahahaahahahahah!
my bro's masterpiece. of cos i will kope. the color nice sia.
alcohol. peppermint de lei! but taste like cough syrup. small small nia.
if i nv eat cake i am not cindi ang. cheese cake, coconut cum durian cake (i only eat the durian part! and i tot the shavings on top is white choco!) den sinful choc cake. those kind melt in your mouth one. of cos all i nv share eat myself la hahaha!
cute cute pastry with soup. MY ONE. boing boing.
this one i got to say. look like the prawn is ke-tou-ing. sorry mam pls dun eat me i dance for u ok haha!? from another viewpoint it looks like a bug. so disgusting. i am well on my way to be a herbivore.
prawn salad. MUACK!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
From: Cindi Ang []
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 8:55 PM
To: Lim Kim Lian
Dear madam, can i have the model answers for Ec1101E midterm exam on March 2, 2007 (6pm to 8 pm)?
thank you!
Subject: RE: Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 09:03:49 +0800
I dont have answers. The paper was not set by me.
From: Cindi Ang []
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 3:46 PM
To: Lim Kim Lian
Subject: RE:
who do i go for the answers? sorry for the trouble.
From: Lim Kim Lian (
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 7:54:21 AM
To: Cindi Ang (
I don't think it is proper to trouble the lecturer.
one) i hate it when ppl do not repay good manners with good etiquette! altho my email is very informal, i did say thank you and please! and if i did not decipher wrongly, her tone is very curt. when i email my philo tutor to ask him to look at my essay, he wished me luck and added emoicons next to my errors. why cant all teachers be the same? and he was not even mad when i turn up to see him without an appointment, hence eating into his own personal time.
two) reminds me of the time when yan wei ask her if the text book is necessary she sound like she's selling the book for profit, not for our own good. she wrote the book u see.
three) why din the lecturer in qn, who set the paper, just include the answers like all the other setters (is thr such a word?) did? if he/she did, i wun hace to TROUBLE him/her now right? also, is lim kim lian trying to say i am troubling her with such trivial matter?
i dun think she teach for the passion and love for students etc... she is just after the paycheck.
and if she really has a mind worthy of her PhD, she'll think abt these comments instead of expelling me and sueing me for slander.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
things i rmb when i was a kid
1) the first time I took a bus. I was supposed to go bedok but I board the bus at the wrong firection and end up at jurong instead! I rmb those were the times when we still have to learn which way to slot the farecards into the machine on buses. I was so scared cos I was lost. Den I approached a secondary school girl, who of cos, is older den me at that time.
Me: zhe li shi na li?
Girl: er.. ni zai jurong.
Me: wo mi lu le!!! (ironically I said this after she tell me whr I am)
(being a young girl herself and is inexperienced in dealing with suicidal kids like me, she panicked.)
girl: bu yao ku, gei ni wo de cotton candy.
Me: *shakes head*
Girl: u take the same bus k? will get home de.
Me: ok.
Reached home safely but dun dare to tell mom I missed my primary three remedial due to my stupidity.
2) when the teacher asked for volunteers to write numbers on the whiteboard. i raised my hand excitedly. she gave me a red marker and i proceed to write the number "one" on the board. i start from the top of the board and slowly trace out a long long long 1 until it reaches the bottom of the board and separate the board into half. when my teacher look at it, she stunned.
3) my favourite princess is little mermaid. every time when we have free time, i will share the little mermaid stories with all my frens. once my teacher is playing a game with all of us.
teacher: lets guess which of your friends i am refering to ok?
kids: OK!! (in unison)
teacher: who likes to tell little mermaid stories!?
kids: .......
one boy: cindi.
and i swear i dunno who she is refering to until the boy said my name. how dumb. i used to eat real slow so when the whole nursery had left the canteen, i am still eating. my teacher will shake her head and said: "poor cindirella."
4) i had a huge birthday cake when i was four. it was in the shape of the no "4" and two doves sat at the top of "4"'s pointy tip. its white and look like a wedding cake to me. i was, as usual, dressed like a princess, but i look like a dork.
the whole nursery sang for me and gobbled the cake and left. no presents. sob.
5) when i said my first vulgar word. actually, i wasn't the one who said it. cos in my old house we can easily hear what ppl shout downstairs in the play ground, and it so happens tt a young guy shouted vulgarities so loud ppl living on my level can hear.
i was in my room letting barbie fight with red ranger.
mom: *enters room* wad did u say just now?
me: huh?
mom: did u ma chu hua!?
me: no no!
mom: i hear u scold u bluff me!
*whack whack whack*
and i dun even noe i was maligned. sayang myself.