attempt 1 at saving the earth:
buys groceries at ntuc.
cashier takes out small plastic bags to seperate frozen goods from ur fruits. wad shud u do?
and remove said redundant plastic bag ang return to cashier.
attempt 2 at saving the earth:
buy pocca ice lemon tea.
realise the plastic packaging showing the drink flavour is the whole bottle length long!
boycott pocca bottled drinks. buy canned ones instead.
attempt 3 at saving the earth.
saw smoker smoking in a prohibited area.
fill pail with water, take aim, and fire.
mission completed, cigarette extinguished, nuisance terminated.
attempt 4 at saving the earth:
use used plastic bags to house rubbish, dirty laundry, or ur irritating kid brother.
just make sure that all plastic bags used is recycled two times and above:)
this is sth i feel very strongly about. if i should witness someone torturing animals i will not hesitate to use my fists. whoever it is, abusing an animal deserve two missing teeth.
this is a video taken at some country. that idiot asshole who claim himself to be human is actually using this dog as a punching bag. this clip even appear in the news some years back. i am super angry at that asshole who made use and manipulate weaker beings like tt, and at myself for being so helpless. i can almost feel the dog's pain. i hope tt man will die miserably at god's wrath, decaying cell by cell, stabbed in the eyes and had his tongue ripped out, his liver burned and fried, and castrated.
can u imagine wad its like to be trapped inside an enclosure, unsure of wad ur future holds?
the pictures dun even do these animals justice. why are innocent souls like these tortured and be the victims of some sicko psychotic hobby?
oh my, this episode had me all fired up. i shall try to calm down. will be regularly visitng animal homes once exams are done.
oh man the poor dog sure develop claustrophobia la
isn't attempt what both of us have been doing since sec 1? (other than really nice plastic/paper bags =P) cheers!
hmmm i'm thinking of organising a CIP activity to raise money for ACRES leh... its a animal awareness group... haha so qiao besties' minds think alike!
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