Friday, March 13, 2009

it's coming~, it's coming~

hee hee so excited regarding THE brithday party! i felt a little bhb though when i ask people if they are going to attend MY brithday party, abit like forcing people to celebrate for me! but negative feelings aside, i really am very excited!!

issue 1)pink and white theme
alot of girls understood that these must be my favorite colours, but the more practical of the lot thought that the bbq smoke will taint the whiteness and pinkness of their clothes! i understand the concern, but the cake has been ordered and its in pink and white, and bottoms does not have to be in pink and white but any colour you wish, and for those who do not want their clothes to get dirty can wear HOT PINK! and some supportive frens said its my party so wad i say goes. neh i give alternatives le ah dun say i domineering!

issue 2) arigatou!!!!
to clara, evon, hanbing and jerome, for offering to help me! however i dun really need much help except for the cooking part and the money part heh heh. and in jerome case he is forced to help ha ha. but a big thank you and a big hug too!

issue 3) who's going

for sec 2 ppl: hanbing, ricky, chun kiat, and weebeng's gg to be late.
sec 4 ppl: kuku, alvin, clara, malisa and fuquan will try to make it.
jc people: winnie, jake, syamim, katherine, stanley, daniel, shyam, wanqing and maybe bz, keith and peihao.
NUS: sabrina. joanne chan, kian wee, marilyn, diana, kang fei, kai wei, evon, yanwei, adelaine, edwin, jing xian, sherman, ashton, poke, shiru, bingde, zhimin, yuan hong, pearl, xinyun, shufen and june.

of cos try not to mix in click only, make more frens ok!?

sai kang chief: my boyfren, wang. dear frens feel free to get food from him hor!


Anonymous said...

show us pictures and your presents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


thanks so much for the great food!!!

lilmisswhite said...


see u on tues babe!